Liquid Level Controller Sensor Module Pond Tank Water Level Detection Sensor


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This product is based on the actual needs of the family factories and pumping and well developed.
The product is based on the detection of the pool (water tower) to control the water level to achieve high current relay control pumping Sheung Shui.
With a small, simple wiring, low power consumption, high switching capacity, interference is strong, functional stability characteristics.
Automatically open when you can stably pool (water tower) water pump (solenoid) pumping Sheung Shui,automatically stops the pump (solenoid) when full of water.
Local flooding can also be used for automatic rain drainage, such as garages, basements, etc.


Products do not provide the probe, do not need to buy another probe, using household wiring can replaceprobe, peel 2cm around the head, making it the bare wire into the water can be directly induced.

Package included:

1 x Sensor
